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Tag: tips

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Understanding How Your BMI Determines the Best Weight Loss Program for You

At NexGen Health & Wellness, we are committed to a personalized approach to weight loss. We understand that every individual’s journey is unique, and we tailor our programs to suit your specific needs. One key factor we consider when tailoring a weight loss program is Body Mass Index (BMI). Understanding this can provide valuable insights into your health and help us design the most effective plan to get you into a healthy BMI range.

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Two people exercising.

Debunking the Age-Old Debate: Diet vs. Exercise for Optimal Health

When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, the discussion often turns to whether diet or exercise is more important. People have debated this topic for years, questioning which delivers better outcomes. However, the reality is that both diet and exercise are equally important for achieving optimal health and wellness. At NexGen Health and Wellness, we believe in taking a comprehensive approach that integrates both aspects to produce sustainable and long-lasting outcomes. 

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Why Staying Hydrated is Crucial in Losing Weight

In our pursuit of optimal health and wellness, weight loss often takes center stage. We count calories, monitor our macros, and dedicate hours to our fitness regimens, all in a quest for a slimmer, healthier body. But did you know that staying hydrated is just as crucial to your well-being as shedding extra pounds? At NexGen Health and Wellness, proper hydration can enhance your weight loss efforts and overall health in ways you may not expect, giving you that extra boost of motivation. Plus, if you’re struggling with staying hydrated, we provide customized IV hydration treatments.

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Weight Management & Controlling Cravings During the Holidays

Many adults worry about gaining weight during the holidays. Festive occasions often encourage overeating, sedentary behavior, and consumption of high-calorie foods. It’s been observed that between mid-November and mid-January, the average adult tends to gain at least a pound or two, if not more. Although it may not seem like a lot, most people struggle to shed extra weight. As a result, holiday celebrations, no matter the time of year, could be one of the leading causes of your annual weight gain. However, it’s important to note that putting on weight during the holidays is not inevitable, and creating a weight management system during the holidays can help you succeed.

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5 Tips for Staying Healthy Over the Holidays

The holidays, while full of festivity and cheer, are also full of decadent desserts and delicious high-calorie food.  Even Halloween has temptations of candy and high-calorie beverages at a party. You may think it’s an impossible feat to maintain a healthy diet over the holidays, but with these tips, we’ll help you stay on track. The main thing to remember is your reason for getting healthy and staying healthy. Perhaps you are simply dying to fit into your favorite jeans again or you want to feel better overall, try to remember why you started your health journey throughout the entire holiday season. 

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Making Healthier Lifestyle Choices with Phentermine

NexGen Health and Wellness

Taking the first steps in a weight loss journey can feel daunting. With hundreds of different diets and exercise routines plastered all over television and the Internet, knowing where to start can feel next to impossible. That’s where NexGen Health & Wellness can help you with your weight loss program. We offer medically supervised weight loss plans to ensure that you’re losing weight safely, effectively, and with a team of professionals to guide you! Our weight loss programs include a combination of appetite suppressants, GLP-1 agonist (like Semaglutide and Saxenda), fat burners, metabolism enhancers, as well as promoting an overall healthier lifestyle. A blend of these methods may be the push you need to lose weight, a concrete plan means a concrete result. 

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Weight Loss Improves Your Life Expectancy

NexGen Health and Wellness

There are many consequences of excessive weight and obesity, such as high blood pressure, depression, body pain, diabetes, and heart disease, just to name a few. Being at increased risk for serious diseases and health conditions can certainly lower your quality of life, and even your overall life expectancy. It’s never too late to make a change in your life. NexGen Health & Wellness can help you make that change to lose weight, and to improve your life and its longevity. 

Consequences of Obesity

You have probably heard of the term BMI, or body mass index, countless times. This index is a tool to easily screen for obesity, considering one’s height and weight to give a classification number. While this method certainly is not perfect, it is helpful to get a starting point to measure body fat. Additionally, a high BMI has been correlated with adverse health conditions countless times. A BMI between 25 and 30 falls within the overweight range, while a BMI of 30 or higher falls within the obesity range. Both overweight and obesity ranges have a higher chance of developing weight-related health conditions, although obesity more frequently leads to such. 

For those within the overweight or obese classification ranges, a myriad of chronic health conditions can come into play. Keep in mind that not everyone who is obese or overweight will have these problems, and not everyone who has these problems is obese or overweight.  However, keeping tabs on increased health risks will always be beneficial in the long run. 

Heart disease and stroke: Additional excess weight can often cause high blood pressure and high cholesterol, both of which increase chances of heart disease and stroke. 

Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is the most common form and affects how your body processes glucose. Those who are overweight or obese are at much higher risk.

Breathing problems: Sleep apnea and asthma can make a necessity like breathing much more difficult. Both have links to obesity, and sleep apnea tends to improve upon losing weight. 

Various cancers: Consistent evidence has linked liver, kidney, gallbladder, ovarian, and thyroid cancer to a higher BMI. Additional types of cancers have also been found to stem from obesity. 

High blood pressure: Also called hypertension, the force of your blood against the walls of your arteries can eventually lead to more deadly conditions, such as heart disease.

Mental illnesses: Obesity-related conditions are not just physical. Excess body weight can strain the part of your brain that regulates mood and can lead to depression and anxiety.

Osteoarthritis: Although a common joint condition, additional weight can increase strain on the joints and wear away the tissue that normally protects them.

Weight Loss & Bettering Your Health

There are many health conditions that may come because of being overweight or obese, and these health complications can shave years off your life. However, losing weight can better or even eliminate them from your life. With less health problems, a healthier body, and a healthier outlook, you can continue to lead your life as you should. Taking the first step is the most important part, and NexGen Health & Wellness can help! We specialize in medically supervised weight loss plans, making you and your health a priority. Need a hand? Give us a call! 

Tags: NexGen Health and Wellness, NexGen, NexGen Health, NexGen Wellness, NexGen TN, weight loss, weight loss near me, weight loss services, weight loss services near me, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, BMI, body mass index, weight loss consultation, weight loss consultation near me, medical weight loss, medical weight loss near me, weight loss program, weight loss program near me

Weight Gain Causes High Blood Pressure

NexGen Health and Wellness

Slight weight gain is common among adults. Most people will agree that it is standard for their weight to bounce around 5 pounds. The problem is when that extra 5 pounds begins to stick around. Gaining just five pounds can have additional side effects beyond making your jeans feel tight since just 5 pounds can elevate your blood pressure. Dr. Somers of the American Heart Association says, “We can’t fall back on the assumption that ‘oh, it’s just 5 or 10 pounds’. Unfortunately, modest weight gain can increase blood pressure, even in a typically lean and healthy patient., it’s nothing.’ It may be nothing for the individual, but the larger health consequences will be significant.”  

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Ways to Completely Sabotage Your Weight Loss

NexGen Health and Wellness, Bartlett TN 

Losing weight is hard to do. Keeping it off is even harder. You can fall back into old unhealthy eating habits and before you know it, you have sabotaged your diet. Whether you are running out the door without a breakfast, or mindlessly snacking on chips while watching TV it can make a significant difference in your weight loss. Do not let these bad eating habits edge back into your routine and sabotage your diet. 

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